It’s the little things that matter.

To myself and I’m sure to so many others this is a phrase that is, for lack of a better word, a cliché. No really! I’ve read it in books, heard it said in movies over and over and over again (gag!)  . But thinking about it, I realized that it is so true!!! Here I’ll give you a few examples:

·         At a funeral: So somebody has just died and all of his/her closest family, friends and colleagues plan this amazing funeral service and then it gets to the point where the speeches are being made. It doesn’t matter how much money the deceased did or didn’t have. How successful he/she was or wasn’t. The one thing that really strikes a chord is the stories about what this person did, that touched the lives of others. Maybe it was how a father was almost nearly broke just to make sure his kids went to school every single day! Or how a daughter always took made tea for her mom when her mom wasn’t feeling so well

·         In a relationship: You know these couples that seem that they’ll stand the test of time, overcome every hurdle etc etc. It’s not just that they are lucky. It’s  because they understand that everything is in the detail. The small gestures of affection they show each other like the guy always asking for her opinion and talking to her or the girl always making his favourite meal on some day. The reverse is also true. A lot of relationships break coz of the tiny annoying habits that someone has that drive the other away.

So after all this what am I saying really? I’m saying that to truly make an impact on this earth you’ve got to start working on the nitty gritties.  All it takes is a single drop of water and soon enough you’ll have a flood. Take somebody like Bill Gates for example. Today Windows is one of the most used operating systems in the world. Most people see it as this huge thing that he woke up and did one day but most techies and slightly technologically inclined people like myself would understand that making a computer programme required the writing of line upon line of code. If you get just one line wrong, then the programme won’t work! (I had some really frustrating moments in high school doing something like this) So then you’d have to go back and look for that one imperfect line of code so you can fix the problem.

   It’s said that God is in the detail and I think that might be a pretty accurate comparison. So maybe we should all borrow a leaf. Just get out your magnifying glass and put some focus on the little things you do. Who knows how you might affect your own future or even the history of the human race, right? Remember, Newton was just some guy sitting in his house staring at an apple tree (I know! Sounds kinda boring!) And then he discovered GRAVITY!!!!


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