In a relationship with you???
So Cinderella met the prince and they danced all night long, fell in love and the very next day they got married and lived happily ever after. The end. This is the story we’ve heard all our lives. Boys and girls alike although due to the existence of soap operas the ladies might have had a considerably greater exposure to this idea. What idea you may ask? That one day Mr/Miss Right a.k.a ‘The one’ will suddenly appear at your doorstep and sweep you completely off your feet. This person will be unlike every other ex you’ve ever had and they’ll treat you exactly how you DESERVE to be treated. Emphasis on the word ‘deserve’. But have you ever asked yourself whether you deserve this magically wonderful person who is apparently perfect in every way imaginable? The question I’m asking is would you date you? We always have this ideology in our minds of how the person we end up with should be but we seldom ever ask ourselves whether we ar...