What is your biggest asset?

   Yes ladies, I’m talking to you! Do you pride yourself in being the ‘right’ size or the ‘right’ height or even the ‘right’ skin colour? And who is it exactly that get’s to decide what is and isn’t ‘right’, ‘appropriate’ or ‘in vogue’? Since when did we start taking advice from individuals who are more dysfunctional in a day that most of the country’s population is in a year?! I mean, correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t role models supposed to be people who’ve got their act together? I’m not saying that they need to be perfect, but they shouldn’t be spiralling into oblivion either and you know what the funny thing is, societies opinion of ‘beauty’ and ‘ugliness’ is as fickle as the seasons! One day it’s hot, the next day freezing cold. Need a few examples?

  • In the Victorian era, most people’s idea of true beauty was referred to as the ‘English rose’; Skinny, pale-skinned and blonde! So heaven forbid if you spent too much time in the sun and got more than you’re fair share of freckles! Or if you happened to be a brunette and your sister was blonde because naturally everyone would think she was prettier!
  • In the 50’s the ideal woman was expected to be extremely curvaceous and in some cases almost voluptuous. Yeah, so being super-skinny might have been a disadvantage.
  • Today, we raise a standard that makes women everywhere think they need to be rail thin to be beautiful! I mean come on! Even most models who are supposedly ‘perfect’ have to be touched-up a bit by Photoshop! I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean. If a company can’t find a girl who fit’s their ideal, then they should just hire a robot to represent their product. Because I seriously do not understand how we can market products with pictures of girls who don’t and can’t exist! It’s fake! It’s a lie.

   All I’m saying is why should you bend-over backwards to fit into somebody else’s definition of perfect? Especially when we all know that in a few years, that definition will change.

   And let’s get something straight shall we. No matter how pretty the clothes you wear, or how expertly done your make-u p is it doesn’t do a thing to help your appearance unless you have the confidence to rock it! And when you have all the confidence in the world, then make-up or no make-up you’ll still look incredibly beautiful! That my dears, is you biggest asset!

Biggest confidence-boost ever!!


  1. Great minds think alike :-) lovely post hun. Just be snazzy in your skin!


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