There is literally a silver-lining in every situation; you just have to look at it right

I have a bad habit of complaining unnecessarily about situations sometimes. And then my Christian senses (kinda like spidey-senses but with more of a connection to Jesus) kick-in and I remember that I've been through so much worse. That my petty issues are nothing in comparison to  say death on a cross. Oh,  And also

Phillipians 2: 14-16
Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of Godwithout fault in a warped and crooked generation.”Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky

So basically I should be different from the world. That's what we were called for.

   It's so easy to wallow in thoughts of what you don't have and forget what you do. Which is why I found myself reminding myself to count my blessings. It sounds so cliche but when it comes down to it,  it's a fundamental truth.

   Take today for example. We went on a school visit to Tigoni hospital in Limuru.the only things I could think about were how far and how cold the place would be and how much I didn't want to go because it is a Friday. But the trip actually ended up being fun and enlightening and we went shoe-shopping afterwards. So I  bought shoes from Bata at a huge discount!  Some of you are rolling their eyes at me because my big punchline  involves shoes; but really it's the little things.

   It's the little things that make you happy and piss you off and make you think it's the end of the world. It's the little things that you hold on to until everything gets better. All you have to do is keep an eye out for them.


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