What it means to be a writer

1. A writer knows how to read between the lines of another writers work. 
We catch-onto things that ordinary readers can't.

2. Writers observe the world a lot.
 We pinpoint things about you that you didn't even think we noticed.


3. We get lost inside our own heads a lot. 
We always have ideas floating around so It's not personal, I promise.

4. Writers use a lot of new vocabulary.
We also read a lot so we end saying things like 'keep one apprised' instead of 'keep one updated'.

5. We get obsessive once inspired.
That's the thing about ideas,  they demand to be written down. Like an itch you just have to scratch.

6. Writer's block is like having a phantom limb.
You miss an integral part of yourself and  It drives you crazy!

7. We use similes ....a lot!
Case in point, exhibit A: Me

What does being a writer mean to you?


  1. I have to reduce crazy to acceptable levels :(

    1. Don't worry. Eventually people will be primed to your normal levels

  2. It means turning something ordinary into something extra extraordinary....

  3. That's the thing about ideas, they demand to be written down. Like an itch you just have to scratch....
    I get that. And once you start writing you can't stop till every idea has been exhausted.


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