The weather has done funny things to my brain

   They say that when it rains, it pours but this is just getting ridiculous. My fingers are frozen almost half to death and every time the wind blows it's like a slap in the face. This morning I had a very serious conversation with myself so that I could convince the logical part of my brain that it was important to brave the cold and attend school. I’m also hungrier than I should be and I'm convinced that this is due to one of 2 plausible reasons:

A) My body is working harder than ever to burn more energy and keep me warm (I think it might be losing that fight) or

B)My body's taking the easy way out by requesting extra food then stockpiling it as insulatory fat (This will probably come back to haunt me in the warmer months to come)

All, this consideration about what I like to call the 'Kenyan winter' got me thinking about animals that hibernate. Did they wake up one day and have a debate about the merits of collectively sleeping during the cold months in an effort to conserve their energy? Did they then hold a referendum of some sort to pass a new law that introduced hibernation into the annual calendar? And then I started thinking about what would happen if humans were to hibernate for 3 months during the cold. I ended up with more questions than answers:

1) Would everyone be able to find sufficiently warm shelter or would some of us literally freeze to death

2)What happens when someone has a medical emergency? I mean like all the health-care professional would be away from hospital

3)Where would we get enough food for 3 months? Enough of us are starving and living day-to-day as it is

I think I abandoned that line of thought right there. I think I know a sinking ship when I see one. Good luck in your efforts to keep warm though!

Things I need in my life!!!


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