Dear middle class Kenyan

Dear middle class Kenyan,

Please, thank you and excuse me. 3 little words that are the difference between you and any well-mannered pre-schooler. Your arrogance is paralleled only by your over-inflated sense of entitlement. You claim to be educated but after witnessing your total lack of social etiquette I have to conclude that your education must be in some way incomplete. You think that because you happen to have a salary that is on the upper side of 100,000 you now have cart blanche to treat anyone who is 'beneath' you like they are trash.

In fact, I recently witnessed one of your shenanigans at a mall. A man and his wife were standing behind a security guard in a lift. When the lift stopped on their (the man and wife's) floor, he told the guard to ' move his ass' so they could get out of the lift. Poor guy hadn't even noticed that they wanted to get off. This is exactly what I'm talking about. But I suppose a simple excuse me would have killed him! It is so sad when someone who is supposedly the creme of society fails so spectacularly to represent those qualities that are the most esteemed.
But I don't want to profile you. not everyone is that mean or thoughtless or downright unpleasant. There are some polite and caring people among you. And as long as they still exist then maybe there is some hope for humanity.



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