The other side of public transport

Matatus are great a most of the time. They can get you where you need to go in record time while avoiding most traffic jams. But they do have draw-backs. This is a list of the things I absolutely hate about matatus:

1. When they play reggae music - This might offend some people but That stuff is depressing. And it puts me to sleep! Especially roots (Kindly refer to your music dictionary) #TrueStory.

2. When they turn on the speaker effects so that the beats literally pass through your chest - That feeling, it's not a heart attack...just inappropriate sound effects playing football with your internal organs! 0_o

3. When the play old school rap music that punctuates every sentence with an f-bomb and worse – At this point in time you are very glad that you’re mother is not there with you. You also feel very sorry for all the people your mother’s age who are sitting in the vehicle as you watch them shift uncomfortably in their seats.

4. When the conductor conveniently 'forgets' to give you your change - I see you! I know these strategies. Now give me my 10 bob!

5. When they insist on overloading the Matatu -  Suddenly the little personal space you had by virtue of sitting in a public vehicle is completely obliterated. You find yourself smelling way too much of your neighbour's perfume (if you’re lucky) and/or body odour.

6. When the vehicle is full and every widow is closed tight - Dear Kenyans, have you perhaps heard of Tuberculosis and pneumonia? I know that TB ina tiba, but please! Let's not take things that far. It’s even worse when Mr. Sun and all his friends have come out to play! You basically cook slowly all through the ride and wonder why nobody’s fainted yet.

7. When the conductor thinks he knows where you’re going better than you do - He may go as far herding you into his matatu or trying to lead you by the arm. This is the point where I usually walk away in defiance (even if I the Matatu was going to my destination). Coz I'm ninja like that.... also because I’m not a 5 year old.

8. When you're in a hurry and matatu has to be full before it can leave - There are always these people who clearly want to get in the matatu but take their sweet time making up their minds. Why???

9. When they strike -  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for civic rights but will someone please fix the transport sector! People shouldn't have to strike to get you to listen to them. While you're at it, kindly look into the education and health sectors. That would be nice. That is also a story for another day.

As per the usual, you can comment below to add more.



  1. Lol!! Too true!
    And what about when they decide your destination has moved?


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