Why I don't really believe in New year's resolutions.

   We have just a few days left in 2014 and it has just dawned on me that I don't really believe in making new year's resolutions. In the evening of the 31st my mom and I will have a conversation where she'll ask me what my resolutions for 2015 are. Then I'll probably wrack my brain for a minute and say the first thing I think of. Something probably involving being less messy in my room (She calls it a mess, I call it organised chaos). I'll also probably mention something outrageous like getting a neck tattoo. But that's beside the point.

   See if I really wanted to change my habits or behaviour I wouldn't wait for a sometimes over-hyped holiday to do it. I'd do it the moment I realised there was a problem. Or the moment someone held an intervention for me. But I wouldn't wait for the mass positivity of a made-up event such as 'New years resolutions' to spur me on. Let's be honest, it simply doesn't provide enough motivation. Which is the reason why most people break their resolutions so quickly and so easily. It's peer pressure if you think about it. And maybe it does work for a few people, but the rest of us mere mortals need a harder push.

   Not that there aren't things I'll do to mark the new year, but their occurrence at that time is pure coincidence and convenience. Think about it, if you were driving and got a fiat tyre, you'd stop and change it then...not at the next petrol station. Unless you'd like to risk serious damage to your rims, and that would cost more money to fix.
   Same thing applies to resolutions. If you don't make them at the needed moment then your problem only gets worse. So for goodness sake, if there's something that needs changing in your life do it now. Don't wait for a whole year to pass so you can make it your resolution for 2016.



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