Warm fuzzies

   The world can be a cold harsh unforgiving place. Whether it’s exams, unemployment issues or a rising cost of living; sometimes life just sucks. It depresses us and makes us want to crawl under a rock and hide. Let me take you back. Back through your memory to a moment in your recent or not-so-recent past when you woke up and felt terrible. You did not want to go to school or work but you had to. It was raining outside or maybe it was one of those days when the hot savannah sun beat down your back and turned you skin 2 shades darker. You were in a foul mood because the night before you’d had an argument with your boyfriend/girlfriend/mother/annoying younger sibling. Do you remember now? Your face probably looked like this:

   And then out of the blue you got a facebook inbox or text message wishing you a good day. Or someone in your class or workplace randomly gave you a bar or chocolate or something. And then you were filled with the warm fuzzies and you instantly started looking something like this:

   Remember how much more you loved that person in that moment and you were so thankful for what they’d done but they didn’t understand why you were making such a big deal about it? That’s what we're meant to do for each other. A book I once read called them ‘small acts of kindness’. And the great thing about it is not the good feeling you get (because it does feel good to do something nice for someone else without expecting anything in return) but it’s making someone else’s day absolutely fabulous in just a short span of time. And what goes around comes back around right? So today, take the time to give someone the warm fuzzies. Next time, it might be you...


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