When life gives you lemons...

This has been my lesson and an ever-present theme in my life this year. I know that the usual conventional handed-down-from-our-grandmothers-phrase has been: ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. But I think this slight alteration serves the same purpose, and it’s also funnierJ. The point is: Adapt. That’s how humans have survived in contrasting climatic regions all over the world from the Icy Tundra, to the scorching Sahara. Even in the ever-rainy bug-infested Amazon Jungle. People found a way to deal with what they had and made a life for themselves. For me this year has been jam-packed full of unexpected situations. From random practice sessions to cancelled and rescheduled tests and CATs and unforeseen let-downs from people. At first I’d get mad or even slightly depressed. But eventually I learned that it’s never that serious. It’s not fair to get yourself all worked-up about things that lie in your circle of no control!

   There’s this phrase that says you should ‘Change what you can’t accept, and accept what you can’t change’ and it rings true for me every time! Adaptability is what made our ancestors survive in a world that was much harsher than the one we see today, so with our remarkably increased resources how much more can we do?


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