Religious persecution is stupid

   Religious persecution is stupid! You hear? Stupid! I don’t understand what makes anyone think that you can force somebody else to adhere to your religion. You came to this earth alone and God will judge you alone. So I don’t see how your neighbour’s ‘unbelief’ or ‘wrongdoing’ will affect you. Aren’t you supposed to be worrying about your own wrongdoing? And don’t look at me like you haven’t got any.

   I mean sure, the Bible charges Christians to spread the Gospel. But it doesn’t tell them to hold-people at gun-point and make them pledge allegiance to Jesus! Our job is just to tell them not force them. Remember that verse where the disciples were told to shake the dust off their feet at a town where they weren’t welcome?

Luke 9:5
New King James Version (NKJV)

 And whoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet as a testimony against them.”

Plus the whole idea of being hateful to others is pretty much contrary to Biblical teachings.

   Well why is it any different with other faiths. I mean are you honestly going to tell me that you’ll get bonus points for forcing someone into a faith they really don’t believe in? And sure they might observe all the necessary ordinances on the outside but how will it help them if on the inside, in their hearts and minds, they don’t have an iota of dedication? They’re basically playing dress-up so all your efforts would be for nought! What good is lip-service anyway? Its stories like these that make me mad:

   I don’t know, that’s just my 2 cents. I’m not a theological expert or anything but one day, the world will end and then you might find yourself being held accountable. I know that we're living in the last days and all but could we at least try not to implode our society?


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