9 ways med-school changes you

I've written about being in med-school before and the things you learn. But I've never written about how it inadvertently changes you.

1.      Start using big words in every-day conversations.
Case-in-point: ‘inadvertent’ there above

2.      Choose comfort over style.
Depending on the activities of the day you may end up choosing these comfy flats that you can stand hours in instead of cute ballet flats, sandals or heels. Those you shall reserve for the weekend.

3.      Lose most of your verbal filter.
And therefore end-up often saying stuff that may shock non-medics. It's so normal to you that you only notice it when they give you the 'look'.

4.      Get used to strange meal-times.
Early morning classes might mean breakfast at 8/9...despite the fact that you've been up since 5/6am. Lunch at 12/2pm because of surgeries or clinics become a regular thing.

5.      Begin to collect a wide range of studs and other nondescript ear-wear.
Because big hanging ear-rings can be an occupational hazard. That awkward moment when your stethoscope gets tangled-up in your loops and you nearly yank your ear off! Ouch!

6.      Become the queen of buns and other up-dos.
It's really frustrating trying to examine a patient and be taken seriously while your hair gets in the way. Also, body-fluids. Enough said!

7.      Start pinning medicine-related stuff on pinterest!
Because it's the easiest way to save all those helpful charts, diagrams and info-graphics that you find on the net so that you can download them later. I am living proof. Click here.

8.      Use your lab-coat to hide your questionable style-choices! 
Or as a jacket on a windy day. Or as somewhere to stuff all the things you have to carry on your person. You have no idea how many times this has  been a major save!

9.      You discover that surgical scrubs are the most comfortable thing in your wardrobe.
Why can’t they make all clothes fit like that?!



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