Happy 2013........

   Looking back on the year that has been 2012.... I realize that it’s been a lot to take in. It was full of sunny happy moments but there were also moments when life sucker-punched me and people around me in the gut. There is no single word that can possibly sum up everything that went down. Life changing moments, epic disappointments, startling realizations. How can there be a single word for all those. Maybe not a word, but a number: 2012. That’s all it comes down to. The year that’s been. Thinking back to it, I can’t help but smile. Maybe it has something to do with the messed up wiring of my brain because regardless of how bad a situation is, I always find a way to see the good in it. I also tend to leave the bad stuff in the past and refuse to linger over it. Maybe ‘refuse’ is the wrong word here because it implies some sort of effort on my part but the truth is that it just happens. A survival instinct or something. So yes, I’m saying that I wouldn’t change a thing even In spite of all the angst. Because as hard as it may be to admit, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And I’m so very thankful for all the experiences I’ve had because truth is, they make me who I am.

   So I realize that the previous paragraphs ranting may not entirely make sense and that this message is about 3 days too early, but what I really set out to say in the nostalgic beginning of this post is:

  Here I am wishing you all the best in the year to come and hoping that these words will light up the face of somebody somewhere.... And to all my friends and family who are currently reading this: I love you to bits!!



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