Don’t be a girl about it!

For some people, this phrase is gender insensitive, politically incorrect and probably a million other kinds of wrong. But in this case it encompasses everything I want to say and it’s not my fault that the English language can sometimes have its short-comings. At every point in our lives we have stuff we’re meant to do. Things that are expected of us and that nobody will stand over your shoulder to make you do. More so if you’re my age. It could be really simple, like cleaning up after yourself, exercising, or being the first to apologise to a friend after a misunderstanding that was your fault to begin with. Ring a bell anyone? And you know what; we talk ourselves out of it. We make excuses and come up with principles against the said actions. We even take it a step further by creating proof to back up our defences and made-up hypotheses. I always say that the worst lies are the ones you believeyourself, so yep congratulations, if the last couple of lines describe you then you are officially a liar!!

   But recently I’ve been catching myself in the act of making-up these ‘valid’ excuses. And that’s what I always tell myself. Don’t be a girl about it! Allow me to use this easily misunderstood phrase in a literary fashion (And no, that was not a typo. I mean literary not literally. There’s a difference. Google them!)  The meaning is not literal so nobody should be up in arms. What I mean by ‘girl’ is ‘someone who whines, complains and takes the easy way out’. And let’s be honest, the things that hold actual value in life are not easy. Sports cars cost millions, good relationships go through hurdles and struggles and something as simple as standing up for what you believe in demands incredible courage and resilience.

   So if you really want to be better than average, If you really want to attain your goals, if you really want to be more than just a statistic; my suggestion is that you suck it up, take the high road and don’t be a girl about it!


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