Odd one out

   Human beings...we just can’t help but want to belong. Everywhere we go, every person we meet, we want them to like us. To be impressed by us. We find it easier to blend in than to go against the grain of things. Maybe because being an outsider is scary and not many people find themselves comfortable with that. So we end up doing a precarious balancing act between fitting-in and being true to ourselves. When does it stop? When does one finally have the strength to do the right thing and risk social shaming, instead of laying-low and watching wrong things happen?
   Look at our politicians. Always changing opinions and partys depending on who’s in and who’s out. Giving up their principles somewhere along the way coz everyone else is doing it, and by the time elections roll round you as the voter have to re-acquaint yourself with whatever new thing they’re preaching this time round.
   The other day my teenage brother asked me if it was important to be popular and have many friends. I had to think about how I’d phrase my answer. I mean come on! We’ve all wanted to be popular and liked at that age. It was only after getting way past that that we realized that it’s really not that important. So what did i tell him? I told him that popularity isn’t everything. That it doesn’t matter how large a group of friends you have, if none of them are faithful and true. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
   And i think I’ve reached a point in my life where I just don’t care anymore. I try out new things and if goes against the grain of things I’m like ‘challenge accepted’ (As long as said challenge isn’t like illegal or anything). It actually gives me the extra determination to push on and succeed at the different way I’m doing things.
  Finally. I’m a big believer in ‘Romans 12:2’. Check it out...       




  1. *Thumbs up* very true Val. Keep it up :)

  2. Thanks...the struggle. It's a daily choice I think


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